
Harold experiences the other side.

One Gallon Challenge: Was it all a lie?

Brian could have said "No" at any time, but he was too noble

Barbie no longer has need for "the Button" (Button #2)

Ms Lilith's seems like a good alternative to Prison, if you don't know what she does.

Will Bernadette and Rachel ever solve the mystery of the missing manhood?

Submit.sir made me a CyberPunk SexChange Slave

One Gallon Challenge: A few Gallons more!

One Gallon Challenge: Bros before Blows.

Playing with "The Button" is a game of trust

Gallon Challenge Roll Up

Michelle failed the challenge (One Gallon Sisters #6)

Missy failed the challenge (One Gallon Sisters #5)

Kendra failed the challenge (One Gallon Sisters #4)

Stephanie failed the challenge (One Gallon Sisters #3)

Claire failed the challenge (One Gallon Sisters #2)

Debbie failed the challenge (One Gallon Sisters #1)

Stepping out for the gallon challenge

They say you can't fix a man. Debbie wanted to try.

Wrath of a goddess