
The Island of Dr. Lilith: Part 3

The Island of Dr. Lilith: Part 2

The Island of Dr. Lilith: Part 1

Before and After

This detective won't be intimidated.

One Gallon Challenge : Daily Collections

Dr. Lilith's Miracle cure.

Hazard of the job

Involuntary Testing

Being surrounded by "Yes men" can be dangerous

A surprising reaction

The For Profit Prison Industry has begun experimenting with emasculation as a way to reduce prisoner aggression.

No room for mercy

Monique and the Master

Mr. Levy cracks the case

Two Gallon Challenge

Copper Top, with a pretty bottom.

An Idle wish can change two lives.

There was no exception in Texas law for "Evil Laboratory Gender reversal and fetal implantation"

Marcie was grateful to have Linda to help her on this journey.

Sire of the Cumpire

Husband tested, Mother approved

Jasmine is coming out!

10 years hard labor, or 4 years in skirts. Choose.

Flotsam's new direction