Angry Witches don't need to make a "To Hit" Roll.

 Hey, you!  
Want a dirty romp on the other side of the gender divide?  
Don't lie, Yes you do! 
Give "One Gallon Challenge" a read 


  1. As he tried to escape it, he thought, if he could run far enough to escape it. But Gina spoke the words, as got distances from her. Martin though that he could get away from her. But magic needs no map know distance. But he kept hear those strange words even thou he out of range.
    When he thought he far enough. He stopped he didn't hear those sounds. But there was slight change, nothing important. Then his shirt, his pants. his appears started to shift and changed. His body was feminine then it was feminine. As Martin barely understood what happen to him. Gina appeared right there. You think that is the end of it. Oh no. I have plans for you my dear.


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