Somber: Many transwomen go through something like this. Their spouse, though wonderful and supportive, unable to maintain a romantic link.

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I wanted to treat this caption carefully.  It's not meant to be erotic, or fun.  Its a drama that is very real for a lot of CIS Presenting Trans individuals.  There are many, who have come to understand that they are not the gender that they were assigned at birth but they remain in the closet because, as much as they would love to come out and openly explore their inner selves, they love the relationships they already have more.  

It's not even about spouses/SOs being supportive.  It's about the possibility of that spouse/SO being able to maintain their attraction when their mate changes genders.   Just like someone being trans or queer is not something they choose, being straight is not either.  The sexual and romantic bond may not be possible post-transition.  

For anyone going through that, I know you are there, I am sorry, and I support you in your choice, be it to stay in the closet or to come out.   It's a valid choice for you.  
